
David "Rex" Prizio
Rex is the founder and President of Fenris Publishing. He is an active writer, gamer, game designer, and
roleplayer and has been creating content for
over 20 years. He is the creator of the Triten Gaming System and is also the
co-creator and manager of the
Ta'agra Project, a Khajiit conlang project. He has a
Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. He is also
an active player in the Society for Creative Anachronism,
a medieval recreation group.

Shaun "Leo"
Vice President
Leo is the co-founder and VP of Fenris Publishing and manages accounting and finances. He is an avid crafter
who never shies away
from taking on creative projects. He is the co-creator and script designer for the
the Khajiit language Ta'agra Project.
He has a Bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering and is also an active player in the
Society for Creative Anachronism.

Kohl "Tristan"
Operations Manager
Tristan is the Operations Manager for Fenris Publishing, overseeing our main office and managing
fulfillment, manufacturing, and customer service.
He loves to help others and keep things organized. He has a Bachelor's degree in Music and, prior to joining
Fenris, worked
for several years in retail management and customer service.

Thurston Howl
Creative Director
Thurston Howl is the Creative Director for Fenris Publishing, overseeing our production team and our
editorial team. They have a Ph.D. in English and live in Lansing, MI with their
husband Weasel. When they're not writing erotic horror or working with the #OhMurr Magazine, they are
usually working on HIV activism in their community.
Kevin "Chip"
Technology Director
Chip is an experienced software engineer who has worked for several major tech companies in Silicon Valley
and now multiple start-ups. He has been on the Fenris Publishing team from the beginning and oversees almost
all technology infrastructure for the company. He built and currently maintains Fenris Publishing's web
Steven "Trick"
Game Director, Art Director
Trick works as Fenris Publishing's game and art director, helping manage and organize the
illustrators and game designers doing work for the company. He is also an artist and worked as a game
designer and writer for Triten. He has over 10 years of experience in the gaming industry.
David M. Sula
Senior Editor
A writer from a small town in the midwest, David M. Sula lives in the Chicagoland
area with his boyfriend and pet rabbit. Since earning his MFA in Creative Writing
- Fiction at Columbia College Chicago, David has taught college writing while working
on written projects as author and editor. He has published numerous books, short
stories, and poems. In his spare time he co-edits the quarterly digital anthology
Minnow Literary Magazine and participates
actively in the furry fandom.